Volume 65, 2017, Special Issue on Imagined Democracies
Editors: Dr. Nicole Curato
- The Spider Spins His Web: Rodrigo Duterte’s Ascent to Power, Walden Bello
- Bandit Grabbed the State: Duterte’s Moral Politics, Wataru Kusaka
- Why are the Middle Class Misbehaving?: Exploring Democratic Ambivalence and Authoritarian Nostalgia, Adele Webb
- When Exclusion Includes: Democratic and Cosmopolitan Engagements in Contending Self-determination Struggles, Jose Jowel Canuday
- Ethnocentrism: Lessons from Richard Rorty to Randy David, Tracy Llanera
- Philippine Problems are Problems of Modernity, Not of Transition: A Luhmannian Critique of Randolf S. David’s Theory of Modernity, Erwin F. Rafael
Book Review
- Truth Can be Subversive: An Interview with Randolf S. David, Nicole Curato
- Can We Achieve Democracy by Shunning “Moral Politics?”, Herbert Docena