Call for Abstracts to the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology

Call for Abstracts to the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology

The International Sociological Association is pleased to announce that the submission of abstracts to over 1000 sessions organized by the Research Committees, Working and Thematic Group opened on April 25, 2017.

The participants will gather in Toronto, Canada to engage in a discourse of ‘POWER, VIOLENCE and JUSTICE: REFLECTIONS, RESPONSES and RESPONSIBILITIES.’ This XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology will focus on how scholars, public intellectuals, policy makers, journalists and activists from diverse fields can and do contribute to our understanding of power, violence and justice.

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract on-line
before September 30, 2017 24:00 GMT
For more details, kindly visit the conference website,

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